We love to DisCO in person with others! Our events and workshops are uniquely tweaked to the groups we collaborate with and their environments. We like to put on a good show, including art, music, carework, radical DisCOnomics and you — the real-life humans in attendance. Keep abreast of future DisCOThons and DisCOJams, and get a taste for some of the events we’ve run in the past through the articles below. If you’d like to invite us over for a talk or workshop, please contact us.
Strategizing with Love, Intentionality, and Presence: DisCO Remastered 2023
DisCO Beats, DisCO Tech, DisCO CATs in Space
Dancing on Moss – DisCO Underground Regenerative Economix
DisCOmposting: from rotten systems to regenerative imagination
Decentralised Governance: either a collective learning journey or no journey at all!
DisCO Mothership Landing at the 6th Envisioning Free Space Conference

Whether you’re a small single organization, or a burgeoning distributed network or DAO, DisCO can help you organize yourself in future-ready ways. DisCOnsultancy is highly adaptable and can take shape as a series of online or in-person workshops, as well as bespoke, structured programs to turn your organization into a DisCO, a DisCO Cluster or SuperDisCO with our personalized assistance. Click through for more details.

Sport the change you want to see in the world! DisCO SWAG features beautiful designs from the DisCOverse lovingly imprinted on wearable or usable surfaces. DisCO SWAG, according to our values, is a form of ethical merchandising, and is crafted by cooperative and social solidarity partners according to DisCO Principles.
Support DisCO.

If you have the means and will, please help us reinforce the DisCO Project as a long-term framework for distributed cooperative economics and anticapitalist, decolonial and intersectional feminist futures. Click through to see the ways you can contribute and how your support helps the DisCOverse in becoming its own self-sufficient economic counterpower.