What does Anticapitalist, Decolonial and Intersectional Feminist Tech look like?
Are you in San Francisco or Oakland on Monday June 26th? Join us for a journey into sound, a journey which, along the way, will bring you new color, new dimension, new value. Pump up the volume! Pump that bass! The year is 2023, the time is now. The DisCO Pink Paper completes the DisCO Trilogy by taking an open-eyed look at the artificially intelligent 2020s. This is a time where cyberpunk corporate dystopias a la Blade Runner, Snow Crash or Akira are surpassed in their excess only by the cyber-physically gluttonous, world-destroying algorhythms bent on enclosure. Everything must be turned to ones and zeros so the numbers can make more numbers. The time for Revolution is nigh and the push forward is powered by knowing where power resides, what power is, and how the world’s disenfranchised do have the social and technological resources available to turn the plot around. Oil, money and guns only go so far, so stop! In the name of love, before you break our (collective) hearts. And minds, and spirits, and backs. Just stop. Join us for this evening with Stacco Troncoso (DisCO.coop) Zarinah Agnew (District Commons), Phoebe Tickell (Moral Imaginations) and brandon king (Resonate.coop) to learn more and break some things!

About DisCO
DisCOs is a P2P/Commons, cooperative and Feminist Economic alternative to Decentralised Autonomous Organizations (or DAOs). Distributed Cooperative Organization is a clunky name that, while accurate, fortunately reduces to “DisCO” which is a lot easier to remember. The DisCO (read all about it in the DisCO Manifesto) takes a friendly but carefully planned approach to people working together to create value in ways that are cooperative, commons-oriented and rooted in feminist economics. DisCOs are amplified by the power of Distributed Ledger/Blockchain technologies, harnessing the utility of tech without being completely tech-centric, emphasizing mutual trust and remembering to have fun.
When and Where?
- Monday, June 26
- 6:00 PM to 9:30 PM
- Embassy House:
- 399 Webster St
- San Francisco, California
Click here to sign up!
Image Credits
- Lead Image by Rory Robertson-Shaw, based on the Paul Baran Original
- The Uplift Serial, sourced from the Internet Archive Book Images